After the enormous success that was "Chicken AngelWoman with a Triangle" it appears local musician Johnny West has donewhat he has always done following a release: reinvent himself. Sure he mayreject comparisons this way to the likes of Bowie or Radiohead, but similarlyJohn does not seem content fixing himself to a single genre or style. Yetunlike these former artists who tend to reject in totality the styles of theirprevious work, John's progression can be seen as cumulative. For his newest release,"An Absence of Sway", the folk/blues influence of his previous workis not direct but is subtly integrated to works with avant-jazz time changes,death-rattle country harmonies, and a return to his beloved piano arrangements.Sure, some may say it is not as accessible or as immediate as "ChickenAngel Woman", but "Absence" is instead a grower, revealing it’s selfafter multiple listens. These listens reveal John’s compositions at their mosttechnically competent and also at their prettiest. 'The Sun is a Red Ball ofLies' which features violin work of Anna Atkinson tackles allusions toabortion, abandonment, and isolation, all with hymn-like melodies floating throughout. 'Defensestrate Your Heart' recalls the poppiest elements of Talking Heads(think 'This is the Place' or 'Heaven'). Meanwhile, 'Revenge is Sweet' is anhonest to goodness love song that could have been penned by McCartney himself.Of course being John, a lot of the tracks are turned on their head; check outthe jarring 'Shoelaces of the World, Unite' or the mock-opera of 'Do theMountain Hop'. Then there are the tracks that are a bit of both, such as mypersonal favorite, 'The Ass, Enchanted with the Sound' which transform fromspare piano and whispery vocal into Junior Boy style electronic dance-pop intofinally a dada-esque sound collage with John chanting what I guess is"strudel." "An Absence of Sway" may not be as immediate ashis previous releases, but with a clear advancement of jazz-like compositionsand pop-sensibilities, this is one of his best.
Listen To: Defenestrate Your Heart, Will Work for Food, The Sun is a Red Ball of Lies Tonight
RIYL: Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Smog, Silver Jews
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